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CAPE COD and Islands

Popular Summertime destination

To speak of Cape Cod is to speak of summer, sun, heat, humor, tones, seas, and air.

It is to speak of beaches, views, trails, dunes, boats, and fishing.


To speak of the Cape is to speak of comfortable resorts. It is to suggest a vacation on one of the best coastlines in New England.


To speak of the Cape is to speak of beauty, aromas, flavors, and colors.

It means eating seafood, walking along the edges of many miles of beaches around it, collecting shells in the sand.


To speak of the Cape is to breathe history, walking the streets of cozy cities and towns, each revealing itself in its own style.


To speak of the Cape is to speak of encounters, meetings, and laughter. It means being in the hot spots of novelists, artists, and celebrities.


To speak of Cape Cod is to speak of freedom and the pleasures of summer.

 Falar de Cape Cod é falar de verão, sol, calor, humor, tons, mares e ares.


É falar de praias, vistas, trilhas, dunas, barcos e pescas.


Falar do Cape Cod é falar de resorts confortáveis, e sugerir férias em um dos melhores litorais da Nova Inglaterra.


Falar de Cape Cod é falar de beleza, aromas, sabores e cores.


É comer frutos do mar, caminhar pelas orlas dos quilômetros de praias, e colher pequenas conchas na areia.


Falar de Cape Cod é respirar história, percorrer as ruas de acolhedoras vilas, cada uma se revelando no seu próprio estilo.


Falar de Cape Cod é falar de encontros e risos. É estar nas esquinas de romancistas, artistas e celebridades.


Falar de Cape Cod é falar de liberdade, e dos prazeres do verão!

A world to discover

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